Installing JEDI One

To install, simply extract the JEDI One distribution file to the desired filesystem directory using any unzip program (built-in OS utilities, WinZip, WinRAR, etc).

Depending on your operating system, you may have to set an execute permission on JEDI One binary before you can run it.

To set execute permissions for JEDI One on Linux and Apple MacOS, first change to the directory that contains JEDI One binary and then type:

chmod +x mcjedi.bin

Installation Notes

  • JEDI One does not need any installation. Instead, JEDI One is simply extracted to a directory on the filesystem.

  • By default, JEDI One creates its configuration database, exception cache file, debug traces (when enabled), and data received from devices (when enabled) in the same directory as the JEDI One binary. You can use any directory on the filesystem to store the configuration database and data, so long as the JEDI One binary has read and write permissions to that filesystem directory.

  • Removing JEDI One is as simple as deleting the JEDI One's binary file (mcjedi.exe on Windows and mcjedi.bin on other operating systems) or the filesystem directory containing JEDI One binary. Deleting the directory will also delete all configuration, license information, and collected data.

JEDI One Installation Directory Layout

When JEDI One is run for the first time, it creates the following directories and files in the same directory as the JEDI One binary.

  • mcjedi.dat: stores configuration information.
  • exCache.dat: stores runtime errors and warning
  • Trace: when debug mode is enabled, this directory contains the debug trace file mcjedi.log.
  • metrics: when data storage is enabled, this directory contains data in CSV format, organized by date and time.

Changing the JEDI One Data Directory

By default, JEDI One stores mcjedi.dat, exCache.dat files, Trace and metrics directories in the same directory as the JEDI One binary. You can change the directory using the JEDI One's configuration file.

JEDI One Configuration File (mcjedi.toml)

You can change the initial runtime configuration of JEDI One by using a configuration file. The configuration file must be named mcjedi.toml and must be present in the same directory as the JEDI One binary.

You can generate a sample configuration file by executing JEDI One binary with -sample-config option and re-directing the output to mcjedi.toml file.

On Microsoft Windows:

mcjedi.exe -sample-config > mcjedi.toml

On Linux and Apple MacOS:

mcjedi.bin -sample-config > mcjedi.toml

Here's the generated sample mcjedi.toml. The settings in this file can be modified to suit your environment.

    data_dir = '/Users/JohnDoe/JEDIOneData'
    debug = false
    db_file = "jedi.dat"
    management_port = ":9124"
    Addr = ""
    Port = "8100"
  • AppConfig: specifies application configuration.
  • data_dir: specifies where JEDI One will store the data files.
  • debug: enables debugging when set to true. Disable by setting it to false.
  • db_file: specifies the name of the JEDI One's configuration database.
  • management_port specifies the default port for the management interface.
  • HTTPConfig: specifies the default HTTP Data API server configuration.
  • Addr: specifies the default address that will be used by the HTTP Data API server.
  • Port: specifies the default port that will be used by the HTTP Data API server.